3D Shirt

3D Shirt

Futuristic shirt features three-dimensional animal head on the right shoulder.

Animal head 3D Shirt created by Linda Kostowski and Mashallah Design.

3D Animal Head Shirt

Animal Head 3D Shirt

Linda Kostowski 3D Shirt

Mashallah Design and Linda Kostowski

Mashallah Design

Linda Kostowski

Mashallah Design 3D Shirt

3D Tshirt

3D T Shirt

Also check out: Cat Shirts and Leaf T-Shirts

  1. eemke

    I don’t see anybody wearing it…

  2. Jake

    Yep! I agree with eemke, Swing and a miss!

  3. Pearl Lambie

    Is it wearable?

  4. Posanlab

    Its amazing design but don’t see wearing it. I think its model. good idea.

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