Teddy Bear Lamp

Teddy Bear Lamp

Designed by Matthew Kinealy, this Teddy Bear with a lamp for a head will surely surprise your guests.

The black fabric covered shade supplied is a reflective gold on the inside to enhance Teddy’s golden features and his plump body enables you to park him where you please without fear of him toppling over. [buy now]

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Teddy Bear Lamp by Matthew Kinealy

Also check out: Jellyfish Lamps and Mushroom Lamps

  1. Alexius G

    innovative idea, certainly, but still somewhat creepy…not sure i’d like to wake up and see a headless teddy bear next to me(even if it is my bedside lamp,lol)

  2. Kevin L

    You know what’d be scarier? A teddy bear lamp that walks.

  3. Mikkel S.

    Nice casual variation of the Moooi Rabbit Lamp :)

  4. fire hazard

    looks like a fire hazard to me :-)

  5. gus

    *sniff *sniff…what smells like burning

  6. timtam

    and the price – you’re kidding aren’t you?

  7. casey

    is this safe? apart from a little bit creepy (despite the unique idea)i find it not user friendly.

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