Matches Calendar

Matches Calendar

Unique calendar made of matches by Ukrainian designer Yurko Gutsulyak. The matches are real and the construction of the calendar is absolutely safe.

Each page is a month and it looks like a comb made of matches that correspond to the days.

Matches Calendar by Yurko Gutsulyak 2

Matches Calendar by Yurko Gutsulyak 3

Matches Calendar by Yurko Gutsulyak 4

Matches are dipped in a special chemical solution and covered with sulphur, striking surface stripes are applied on both sides of a stand base.

Matches Calendar by Yurko Gutsulyak 5

Matches Calendar by Yurko Gutsulyak

Also check out: 15 Unique and Innovative Calendars

  1. wade

    i like it!

  2. Fumin

    Hm… kind of dangerous.

  3. mesut demir


    ı like this.

  4. hightech

    I like it a lot that is really good idea for smokers to get less matches to try to stop smoking everyday.

  5. Sarah

    Awesome idea!

  6. marc

    love it – well done!

  7. Scott

    Perfect for the morning poo!

  8. Bored

    A Smoker’s dream!

  9. yul

    cool consept: burn your day

  10. Maryam

    I like this.Its a good idea.

  11. vzeek

    very clever, creative mind at work…job well done!

  12. Geoserv


    Thats fantastic.

  13. Boltanna

    That is perfect for me to give to my boyfriend, or to my mom.

  14. :D

    Arsonist’s favorite

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