Beautiful Zipper Pond in Taiwan

Beautiful Zipper Pond in Taiwan

Ju Chun, a renowned Taiwanese sculptor, created this breathtaking Zipper Lotus Pond for the Juming Museum, located just outside Taipei, Taiwan.

Zipper Pond in Taiwan

Beautiful Zipper Pond by Ju Chun

Zipper Pond by Ju Chun

Zipper Pond

Also check out: 17 Cool Zipper Inspired Designs

  1. Shelly

    But where will the plants go if the pond gets “zipped up?” I love scale models. Thanks!

  2. Paul Sample

    that’s so beautiful!

  3. joop

    Nice idea, it looks really good. Wonder where to get the actual zip stone.

  4. Kaik


  5. 420Crew

    fly fishing?

  6. Chad

    At even a larger scale the zipper treads could be used as benches.

  7. Edward

    Very unusual but i like it.

  8. larry

    wonder what the logo on the pull stands for?

  9. Relaby

    very nice…good way of advertising a zipper business c”,)

  10. sarah

    what an interesting idea! well executed, too.

  11. winnobizi

    Creative! Taiwanese are creative and nice.

  12. Sklep zoologiczny

    Amazing idea! Indeed breathtaking.

  13. jean

    It’s very creative and original. Thanks for sharing

  14. ling

    Its rather amusing to have a zipper for a pond design. Perhaps they’ll think of a button design next?

  15. Lauren

    Wow, this is really beautiful.

  16. Kilian

    Good Pictures, Nice Idea, Bad execution. LOOK close…The Zipper Slider is no more then a plaque sitting on the stone zipper teeth. There is no zipper box to gather the teeth and it sits out of alignment. If your going to do all this work, why not go all the way with the most important sculptural element in the whole piece?

  17. C.A.M.

    Now for a fountain…

  18. Cheryl

    Thank you for creating this! It’s an original amusing idea that certainly looks better than a lot of steel grating. Imagine it at the beach, as the pier. Fly fishing – !

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