Lies Designers Tell Their Clients

Lies Designers Tell Their Clients

Truth behind small lies that web developers and graphic designers tell clients.

Series of honest “Truth and Lies” posters created by Creative Market.

Lies Designers Tell to Clients

Lies Designers Tell

Designer Lies

Lies Artists Tell Their Clients

Lies Graphic Designers Tell to Clients

Lies Graphic Designers Tell

Lies Freelancers Tell

Lies Artists Tell to Clients

Lies Graphic Designers Tell Their Clients

Lies Artists Tell

Lies Developers Tell Their Clients

Graphic Designer Lies

Lies Developers Tell to Clients

Lies Developers Tell

Lies Freelancers Tell Their Clients

Lies Freelancers Tell to Clients

Professional Lies

Lies Designers Tell to Their Clients

Also check out: Want vs Need and Copywriter vs Art Director

  1. Gert

    ha ha ha… most of these work for seamstresses too.

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