Creativity Inspired by the Alphabet

Creativity Inspired by the Alphabet

Inspiration can come from just about anywhere, and even something as simple as the ABC’s of the English alphabet can be a great source of creative ideas…

Alphabetical Paperclips by Stephen Reed

Lettered paperclips can be used to file documents alphabetically or linked to form words.

Alphabetical Paperclips by Stephen Reed

Alphabetical Paperclips

Alphabetical Paperclips by Stephen Reed 2

Alphabetical Paperclips by Stephen Reed

Butterfly Alphabet

Letters and numbers photographed on the wings of butterflies.

Butterfly Alphabet

Sky Alphabet by Lisa Rienermann

“Type the Sky” alphabet created by Lisa Rienermann while studying at the University of Essen in Barcelona.

Sky Alphabet by Lisa Rienermann

Sky Alphabet by Lisa Rienermann 2

Type the Sky by Lisa Rienermann

Alphabet in Nature

The letters of the English alphabet reveal themselves in unexpected places if you search for them. They hide in the infrastructure that shapes the world around us.

Alphabet in Nature W

Alphabet in Nature U

Alphabet in Nature E

Alphabet in Nature

Meat Alphabet by Robert J. Bolesta

Alphabet made of raw hamburger. Each character hand-shaped, packaged, and photographed individually.

Meat Alphabet by Robert J. Bolesta

Meat Alphabet by Robert J. Bolesta 2

Meat Alphabet by Robert J. Bolesta 3

Meat Alphabet by Robert J. Bolesta 4

Meat Alphabet by Robert J. Bolesta 5

Also check out: 14 Examples of Literal Product Design

  1. CPG

    Hello, I’ve made a post on my blog to promote the similar work of Rose-Marie Loisy visible on this link : It’s an urban alphabet.
    Thanks for your article. I’ve stolen you some links for my post but I’ve put a link to you site.

    Cheers from France.


  2. Lacey

    The meat is just disgusting. Very, very disgusting.

  3. Yuce Zerey

    Interesting works

  4. web

    I’ve always loved the butterfly alphabet. Don’t get the point of the paperclip alphabet, really. But … meat alphabet FTW!

  5. Nadia

    The architectural alpha was genius! The meat one was gross but still very cool! LOL

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