Balloon Art

Balloon Art

Amazing balloon sculptures created by New York based artist Larry Moss.

Wonderful creations were inspired by famous paintings and drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, M. C. Escher, Andy Warhol and other great artists.

Mona Lisa

Balloon Mona Lisa

Still Life with Fruit

Balloon Still Life with Fruit

Hand with Reflecting Sphere

Balloon Hand with Reflecting Sphere

Vitruvian Man

Balloon Vitruvian Man

Campbells Soup Can

Balloon Campbells Soup Can

The Birth of Venus

Balloon The Birth of Venus

Whistler’s Mother

Balloon Whistlers Mother

American Gothic

Balloon American Gothic

Girl with a Pearl Earring

Balloon Girl with a Pearl Earring

For more inspiration, check out: 17 Creative Hot Air Balloons

  1. Vibha

    Balloon art is just amazing… super like!!!

  2. Neal

    Excellent! Really enjoyed these!

  3. may

    Girl with pearl earing is wonderful.

  4. Isma

    lol the davinci vitruvian man .. the small ballon in the legs lol

  5. Shirley

    I can’t imagine the amount of effort put into this… absolutely amazing!

  6. Sharyn

    Wow! These are all amazing. I love the Vitruvian Man & the Hand with Reflecting Sphere.

  7. Aerwhyn

    Aardman studios now has competition.

  8. Mon Sun

    These are awesome!

  9. Matt

    “Airigami” that’s priceless!

  10. Kate

    The birth of Venus… amazing!!

  11. Elisa Lazier

    Fantastic all of them! :)

  12. Tommy Nila

    i just started out making balloon art and its stuff like this that made me wanna try it.Its amazing what you can do with a little air and some rubber.

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