Tom and Jerry Sculptures

Tom and Jerry Sculptures

Iconic scenes from Tom and Jerry cartoons turned into real world sculptures.

Creative Tom and Jerry sculptures made by Japanese artist Taku Inoue.

Japanese Artist Taku Inoue


Tom and Jerry Sculpture

Tom and Jerry Art

Taku Inoue Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry Cartoon

Artist Taku Inoue

Tom and Jerry Cartoons

Taku Inoue

Tom and Jerry

Taku Inoue Tom and Jerry Sculptures

Taku Inoue Tom and Jerry Sculpture

Also check out: Old Cartoon Characters

  1. Swiper Fox

    It can’t be Tom & Jerry sculptures…..
    These are only Tom’s Sculptures.
    Where are Jerry’s sculptures

  2. fabe

    It is cute and sad at once ..(maybe bc I’m old? XD )

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