Selfie Stick for Dogs

Selfie Stick for Dogs

Innovative phone attachment will help you take great selfies with your dog.

Dog will focus on the tennis ball and look directly into the camera. [order]

Pooch Selfie

Dog Selfie Stick

Dog Selfie

Tennis Ball Phone Attachment

Pooch Selfie

Pet Selfie Stick

Ball Phone Selfie Stick

Also check out: Banana Holder and Human Arm Selfie Stick

  1. Gert

    That would work on me if you put cake on it. lol

  2. Barrie Hall

    I agree with Gert.

  3. ....

    What? You can’t just train your dog to look at the damn phone? This is so stupid

  4. Mandy

    … losing faith in humanity

  5. Shilov

    This pic was taken just before Tommy swallowed my phone!

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