3D Printed Boat

3D Printed Boat

The world’s first real 3d printed boat with continuous one-of-a-kind body made out of lightweight and ultra-strong fiberglass thermoset material.

3D Printed Boat weights only 800 kg and spans 6.5 meters long by 2.5 meters wide.

It is equipped with 115 cv engine, real navigation system, cork flooring and white leather seats.

MAMBO (Motor Additive Manufacturing BOat) designed and 3d printed by Moi Composites.

Introduced at the 2020 Genoa Boat Show.

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3D Printed Fibreglass Boat

3D Printed Fiberglass Boat

Moi Composites

Moi Composites 3D Printed Boat

Moi Composites Boat

Real 3D Printed Boat

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