Creative MacBook sticker is all you need to separate yourself from other Apple laptop owners. This post features cool and unusual Apple MacBook stickers.
LEGO MacBook Sticker
Bring out your inner child with this cool LEGO inspired vinyl sticker.
Snow White’s Revenge MacBook Sticker
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the baddest girl of them all?
Pac-Man MacBook Sticker
Squirrel MacBook Sticker
Give this squirrel a home on your laptop. It playfully chomps down on the Apple logo and forgets about the other nuts.
Tic Tac Toe MacBook Sticker
Okay, who’s the Joker who filled in the apple? You Are!
Headphones MacBook Sticker
This custom Apple Macbook sticker is perfect for music lovers.
Super Mario MacBook Sticker
Pulp Fiction MacBook Sticker
This black die cut vinyl decal will put Jules on your Apple laptop.
Space Invaders MacBook Sticker
This cool decal incorporates the Apple logo as the “mystery ship”.
Snow White MacBook Sticker
This digitally printed and cut vinyl decal makes it look like the Snow White is holding the Apple logo.
Also check out: TARDIS Refrigerator Skin and Macbook Stickers
Mac? what about PC’s: dell, hp, emachines…
Nov 11th, 2009
@babemalo: hahaha emachines!
I like the last colored snow white one…
Nov 11th, 2009
snow white revenge is nice,,
but i like mario :D
Nov 11th, 2009
Awesome… i want one for my Mac Book Pro…
Nov 12th, 2009
Mario is awesome :) It reminds me a stand of Iron Man :D
Cool :)
Nov 12th, 2009
gary birnie
Mario and Snow White. Genius
Nov 12th, 2009
John (Human3rror)
omg. sweet.
Nov 12th, 2009
That last snow white one is definitely the coolest! Its so well done!
Nov 12th, 2009
Josh Phillips
we have been making these for years… but nice design, never seen the space invaders before.
Nov 12th, 2009
PCs don’t have a logo that decals can interact with as playfully as the Apple logo.
Nov 12th, 2009
this is great.
Nov 12th, 2009
Karin Stewart
Lots of fun!!!
Nov 13th, 2009
MAC book are always unique. I love apple company a lot! They are different and cool one too :)
Nov 13th, 2009
I feel like getting a mac just so I stick the lego one, squirrel one, pulp fiction or mario. Brilliant. creative.
Nov 16th, 2009
no one cares about other computers ;D these are pretty sweet. this site is always freat.
Nov 18th, 2009
woow. the second is cool.
Nov 20th, 2009
Very nice. I love the Snow White!
Dec 1st, 2009
Found one more cool sticker on Etsy:
Dec 6th, 2009
Cute yoshi eating the apple logo
Dec 10th, 2009
Ann-Marie Clements
Is this available for 17″ MacBooks?? I love it!!! Do you have any funny ones for a REALTOR? I’m the only one in my office who has a Mac and I won’t give it up… ;>))
Dec 31st, 2009
This is cool. I’ve loved this batman logo since I was a kid.
Ann-Marie: email some of these people for custom decals?
Jan 5th, 2010
Snowwite is genius!
Jan 12th, 2010
mac books are not always unique. they’re never unique because everyone gets them, not because they are good, just because apple customers are sheep.
right click forever
Jan 25th, 2010
Take a look here guys, you’ll find tons of new stickers made by those crazy italians.
Mar 2nd, 2010
baaaaa. go back to your pc and leave us happy sheep alone. What kind of cell phone do you have? One that thousands and thousands of other people have also, I bet. (or did you custom make your cell like your pc?) What kind of shoes are you wearing… unless you made those too. What do you watch on TV? Same stuff everyone watches. Where did you get your education? Same schools attended by many many others. We are all sheep. So unless you plan on coming up with some society of perfection and freedom and individualism (and call me if you do), then be calm and carry on.
Mar 31st, 2010
you should make and adam and eve sticker with the apple being the forbidden fruit ahh that would be so sick!!
May 3rd, 2010
its cool stickers
May 5th, 2010
these are pretty sweet but the best one is the snow white one!!
Sep 14th, 2010
Where and how I can get one of those ???????
Jan 1st, 2011
I have the last coloured snow white one :D my best friend got it for me along with loads of other stuff for christmas :) I love it!
Jan 16th, 2011
Jerry, a non-pedant would recognize that it’s not so easy to make clever stickers for other brand notebooks that incorporate the logo. I don’t think there is an interesting PC brand logo outside of Apple. Maybe there will be some netbooks with the Android logo soon.
Jan 22nd, 2011