Disney Mugshots

Disney Mugshots

Series of illustrations shows Police mugshots of beloved Disney characters.

Disney Mugshots by talented Miami based graphic designer Jose Duran.

Pluto Mugshot

Disney Mugshot

Minnie Mouse Mugshot

Disney Mug Shots

Daisy Duck Mugshot

Disney Mug Shot

Goofy Mugshot

Jose Duran Bulgarelli

Donald Duck Mugshot

Jose Duran Disney Mugshots

Mickey Mouse Mugshot

Mebz Art Disney Mugshots

Also check out: Disney Cocktails and Realistic Disney Princesses

  1. criticaleye

    These are hilarious, but I bet Disney legal department is gonna have a field day with these.

  2. Superman

    Suicide Sqaud?

  3. Swiper Fox

    Disney’s Sinister Six!

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