Toeloop Chair by Mario Stadelmann

Toeloop Chair

Toeloop Chair, created by young Swiss designer Mario Stadelmann, is made from two pieces of bent polymer joined at both ends to create seamless loop.

Toeloop Chair by Mario Stadelmann 2

Toeloop Chair by Mario Stadelmann 3

Toeloop Chair by Mario Stadelmann

Toeloop Chair by Mario Stadelmann 4

Toeloop Chair by Mario Stadelmann 5

For more chair designs, check out: 12 Elegant and Unique Chairs

  1. Annette

    Look great but don’t think they would be very comfortable.

  2. Mika

    I was just thinking the same thing Annette lol

  3. Takashi Kusuma

    wow this again

  4. Ville

    Hmm..I just have got totally opposite feelings about these chairs.I think they would really be comfortable because the chair is splitted into two parts from the middle.And it seems to be designed to work ergonomically.

  5. song

    it’s so wonderful thing

  6. Curious

    sitting is believing!

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