Spiral Drawings

Spiral Drawings

Continuous single line drawings by talented artist Chan Hwee Chong show the precision and capabilities of Faber Castell pens.

These extremely creative artworks were inspired by Mona Lisa, Girl with a Pearl Earring, and other famous paintings.

Mona Lisa

Spiral Drawing

Faber Castell

Vincent van Gogh

Continuous Line Drawings

Continuous Line Drawing

Girl with a Pearl Earring

Circle Drawings

Circle Drawing

Also check out: 3D Drawings and Creative Pencil Drawings

  1. Lilia Smiles

    I would go nuts if I made a mistake! This is amazing in epic proportions!

  2. Jonas


  3. plan-9

    i would first create spiral with same pen intensity
    and after spiral is done i would add more pen intensity
    where it is needed.

    but i think this artist makes it in first try.

  4. Nisa Zul

    amazing… teach me how…

  5. SD

    Fantastic! Imagine doing landscapes in the same way.

  6. Gert


  7. Yu

    This is just amazing! Faber Castell had better pay the guy for such ingenious advertising~ Actually makes me want to go out and buy one of these pens. :D

  8. Douglas

    alien savant.

  9. Waqas

    WHAO! It must have taken lots of time and patience to make them.

  10. woops

    Seems like a crazy amount of planning while he draws. Quite intriguing.

  11. Maheen

    Damn this is amazing!

  12. lalala

    no, its just wrong, its impossibru

  13. aida

    he do it in first stroke.
    and he is hot.

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