Cardboard Sculptures

Cardboard Sculptures

Unique sculptures made out of layers of cardboard look like human figures.

Cardboard and glue sculptures designed by talented artist Warren King.

Artist Warren King

Warren King Cardboard Sculptures

Warren King Cardboard Sculpture

Cardboard Humans

Cardboard Human

Cardboard Sculpture

Warren King

Warren King Cardboard

Warren King Sculptures

Warren King Sculpture

American Artist Warren King

Also check out: Cardboard Forest and Matchstick Men

  1. eemke

    nicely done !

  2. Kathy

    These are amazing. Not only is the basic concept very creative, but you’ve done a wonderful job of capturing the emotion and mood of each person using minimal shapes. Really incredible. Kudos!

  3. Zaher Sahyoun

    Wow great job, i like…

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