Batman Motorcycle Helmet

Batman Motorcycle Helmet

“Dark as Night” helmet for motorcycle owners who want to look like Batman.

Stylish motorcycle helmet was designed and created by Helmet Dawg.

Batman inspired helmet will protect your head and get you noticed.

Do not forget your Dark Knight Motorcycle Suit

Dark Knight Bike Helmet

Dark Knight Helmet

Dark Knight Motorcycle Helmet

Bat Bicycle Helmet

Bat Bike Helmet

Batman Helmet

Batman Bike Helmet

Bat Motorcycle Helmet

Bat Helmet

Batman Bicycle Helmet

Dark Knight Bicycle Helmet

Also check out: Batman Hotel and Creative Motorcycle Helmets

  1. Bon Bon

    Looks good, but that’s Catwoman, not Batman.

  2. Jury

    In the crash of these canines are someone who is corrupt. Sharp. However, as if to put a pillow security in the horn helmet and in other parts of the costume – fires when the amount of signal – extreme accelerations of a motorcycle (impact) , with a separation of the rider of the motorcycle – open additional signal thread and etc. The same signal should be automatically signal the police and the medical service, and stop the engine of the motorcycle,include a system of active braking – the airbags in the motorcycle .
    1. Airbags in the helmet and suit. – save the driver.
    2. Airbags at the motorcycle and auto stop – saves others from not managed motorcycle.

  3. gunneos

    Your translator isn’t working very well…

    I don’t think having sharp pointy things on safety gear is a good idea, though.

  4. Jules

    Seems more like Hello Kitty to me.

  5. latincrow81

    – Did you heard joe died?

    – REALLY?! HOW!?

    – well he got this new helmet, was going 90 on the freeway and he turned his head….

  6. Mark

    I want one! I don’t even own a motorcycle but Im a HUGE Batman fan! LOL

  7. Xcallibur

    Dats a “Hell”met

  8. Tony

    It will also snap your neck in two, should one of the horns get caught on a bump while you’re sliding on your gear on the road… I think I’ll pass

  9. Daffy

    Looks like a dog.

  10. Pete

    My kids have bike helmets with little ears on them, but the ears are a soft foam rubber which would not catch on anything or cause any problems if they are landed on.

    This…these seem like they’re made of something hard which would catch the wind, catch on pavement, and cause any glancing blow to be a full-on hit. That’s a terrible idea, but I guess not much worse than the chrome spikes some people still have on their helmets.

  11. Ghost Rider

    Those ears won’t catch as easily as you guys are porposing, pay close attention to how they are positioned. For them to ‘catch’ the rider would have to be diving head first into the pavement, in which case, death is almost certain.

  12. Miss Harley Quinn

    Actually, the people who make the helmet have pictures showing the pointed bat ears are flexible, more like rubber. They bend when needed easily and pop back up.

    Will not cause any damage.

  13. Jeremy Owens

    I want one lol Where I can buy one batman motorcycle helmet Really cool

  14. Brett Nicholas

    I want one! How can I get one in South Africa? I could be your distributor here, will sell like hot cakes.

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