Wrap Around Shoes

Wrap Around Shoes

Innovative shoes designed to be wrapped around your feet provide maximum comfort, stability, and freedom of movement.

Vibram Furoshiki shoes made by Japanese designer Masaya Hashimoto.

Wrapping Shoes

Vibram Furoshiki Shoes

Vibram Shoes

Vibram Furoshiki

Japanese Shoes

Vibram Furoshiki Shoes

Furoshiki Shoes

Shoes From Japan

Wrap Around Soles

Wrap Shoes

Vibram Furoshiki Wrap Around Shoes

Also check out: Camping Tent Shoes and Shoes with Human Teeth

  1. Jim

    very useful. I would buy them.

  2. Gert

    Those are slipper but ok.

  3. Swiper Fox

    Wrap around shoes…
    Easy in, Easy out.
    No more strings attached!

  4. rt

    They look terrible but the concept is cool…

  5. ash

    How can i buy some pairs for the family (adults only)

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