OX Electric Truck

OX Electric Truck

Affordable and easily repairable electric truck with modular design is shipped in disassembled flat kits which are then assembled locally to reduce costs.

Designed to serve entrepreneurs in areas with poor road infrastructure and low access to capital, OX electric truck provides reliable transportation.

Modular truck design centers on flexibility, with loosely integrated parts that allow for easy customization to various use cases and environments.

OX Delivers Electric Truck

It is 10 times cheaper to operate than existing alternatives, providing large savings for businesses and making sustainable transport more accessible.

OX All Terrain Electric Truck

OX truck uses a plug-and-play approach with off-the-shelf parts, making it highly repairable and serviceable.

Electric Truck

Modular design enables it to be assembled locally, generating employment and stimulating economic growth in regions where it is needed most.

OX Truck

As an electric vehicle, the OX truck contributes to reducing emissions and promoting sustainable transport solutions in developing regions.

All Terrain Electric Truck

By providing an affordable and reliable transport solution, OX enables small businesses, farmers, and traders to reach larger markets.

OX All Terrain Truck

From micro-traders to coffee plantations, OX Electric Truck makes it easier for businesses of all sizes to access electric transportation.

OX Delivers Truck

Also check out: DeLorean Monster Truck

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