1000 Colors Jigsaw Puzzle

1000 Colors Jigsaw Puzzle

Beautiful puzzle designed by Clemens Habicht is made out of a thousand pieces of different colors.

Test your ability to distinguish colors and assemble full CMYK color range.

1000 Colours Jigsaw Puzzle – created for designers and color lovers.

1000 Colours Puzzle

1000 Colors Puzzle

Clemens Habicht Puzzle

1000 Colours

Color Jigsaw Puzzle

1000 Colours Jigsaw Puzzle

1000 Colors

Clemens Habicht

Also check out: Chromatic Typewriter and Book of Color

  1. Jim

    Love this.

  2. aokiharu

    LOL..I don’t want this. Thank you.

  3. Gert

    Pantone for puzzle workers :D love it.

  4. Dominic

    Seems difficult (with sarcastic roll of eyes)…

  5. Alacia

    Wow. I took Pantone’s color acuity test and scored a perfect, but it’s painful and takes about an hour to do. That puzzle would take ages. From Pantone’s test alone, after 5 minutes I was seeing all sorts of weird colors from staring at the tiles so long. The puzzle would be devilish.

  6. Arielle


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