Wireframe Staircase

Wireframe Staircase

Unique staircase made out of wireframe metal rods leads to the bedroom on the second level of renovated 1900s apartment.

Wireframe staircase designed by Francesco Librizzi and Matilde Cassani.

Francesco Librizzi Wireframe Staircase

Matilde Cassani

Matilde Cassani Wireframe

Francesco Librizzi

Francesco Librizzi Wireframe

Matilde Cassani Wireframe Staircase

Metal Staircase

Also check out: Bookcase Staircase and Staircase for Dogs

  1. Luna Do

    A ladder ?

  2. Swiper Fox

    OW! That’s gonna hurt the feet walking on wires. More accident-prone when going down. People with leg injury can’t climb up/down on it.

  3. misterDobalinaMisterBobDobalina

    that’s not a staircase, that’s a ladder. and an inevitable disaster.

  4. ts

    Terrible idea, hard on the feet, hard to climb. It is not even architecturally pleasing. I doubt it lasts a month before the replace it with something that has treads.

  5. pom

    Not something to climb in your bare feet.

  6. Megan

    It looks cool, but it is not practical.

  7. eemke

    not for me ; vertigo !

  8. Gert

    Not sure who talked them into this terrible choice but I hope they tear it out and replace it for free.

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