Watercolor Cats

Watercolor Cats

Series of black ink paintings feature shapes of cats on watercolor paper.

“Watercolor Cats” paintings by talented Serbian artist Endre Penovac.

Watercolor Cat

Endre Penovac Watercolor

Artist Endre Penovac

Serbian Artist Endre Penovac

Watercolor Cat Painting

Endre Penovac Art

Watercolor Cats Paintings

Endre Penovac Cat

Endre Penovac

Endre Penovac Watercolor Cats

Endre Penovac Cats

Also check out: Watercolor Paintings of Superheroes

  1. Radena Kondic

    Ingenious and beautiful, as his all work is… You should see his flowers :)
    Cheers to my ex teacher! :)

  2. eemke

    beautiful !

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