Light Bulb Inspired Gadgets and Designs

Light Bulb Inspired Gadgets and Designs

Collection of creative gadgets and designs inspired by a regular light bulb.

Flat Light Bulb

Flat Bulbs by Joonhuyn Kim have slim shape that allows them to be easily stacked and prevents breakage.

Flat Light Bulb

Flat Light Bulb 2

Light Bulb Candle

You do not need electricity for this light bulb…

Light Bulb Candle

Light Bulb Flashlight

LED flashlight that looks like a regular light bulb.

Light Bulb Flashlight

Siamese Light Bulb

Creative Siamese twin bulb, with two bases and one head.

Siamese Light Bulb

Siamese Light Bulb 3

Broken Light Bulb Lamp

Scheisse pendant lamp shaped like a broken light bulb.

Broken Light Bulb Lamp

Light Bulb Hot Air Balloon

Giant light bulb-shaped hot-air balloon in Melbourne’s skies.

Light Bulb Hot Air Balloon

Mobile Light Bulbs

Vaka concept by Ian Bach combines a designer light tree with mobile light bulbs. The bulbs are made from silicon and are rechargeable, meaning that they can be removed from a tree and will still work.

Mobile Light Bulbs

Mobile Light Bulbs 2

Levitating Light Bulb

A levitating wirelessly powered lightbulb.

Levitating Light Bulb

Pocket Light Bulb

Creative Pocket Light by Hyun Jin Yoon & Eun Hak Lee.

Pocket Light Bulb

Pocket Light Bulb 2

Pocket Light Bulb 3

Giant Light Bulb Shaped Lamp

Made from polyethylene, the lamp is in the shape of a giant 4.5 feet light bulb. It features an RGB dimmable power-LED and comes with a remote controller.

Giant Light Bulb Shaped Lamp

Giant Light Bulb Shaped Lamp 2

Recycle Old Light Bulbs

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle by Summon-The-Wolves.

Recycle Old Light Bulbs

Giant Light Bulb Lamp

Slow Glow lamp is in the shape of a giant lightbulb, filled with saturated soya oil and a bulb. As the light heats up, the content liquifies and becomes translucent, allowing the light to get brighter and brighter. Turn it off and the oil solidifies again.

Giant Light Bulb Lamp 2

For more lamp designs, check out: 17 Unusual and Creative Lamps

  1. Jiminy

    I owned a super cool bulb looking lamp from Droog
    I had to leave it behind when I moved overseas :(

  2. Takashi Kusuma

    Wow that’s awesome

  3. Derick Gamboa

    PHILIPS Lighting – why didn’t we think of that!!!!

  4. Bangbouh Stock

    The pocket light bulb is uber creative but probably not that usefull in an emergency.

  5. vgodard

    This one is also really good…
    Great list btw !

  6. Skracanie linków

    God Bless Edison ;)

  7. Majd Taha

    its good but i looking fixtuer lighting ad not lamp

  8. Munki_C

    Actually, Edison didn’t invent the light bulb, he only patented it. It’s a common misperception.

  9. Lette

    Love these great light bulb gadgets! Would like to use some of them as gifts or display them in our lighting showroom. Any idea about wholesalers?

  10. Kundan Khalkho

    never had such perceptions towards among the most comman objects around us…

  11. Scirocco

    PHILIPS Lighting – why didn’t we think of that!!!!

  12. linou


  13. ChEeSe

    wow some ppl are just so smart!!

  14. Bonita

    Im in love with the Levitating Light bulb. Takes a really creative mind to think of that.

  15. Rich Ronson

    The levitating light bulb is amazing!

  16. Raul Cruz

    Where can i get the giant light bulb shaped lamp for my birthday?

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