Rainbow Pencils

Rainbow Pencils

Creative pencils designed by Duncan Shotton leave behind wonderful paper rainbows when you sharpen them.

“Rainbow Pencils” made out of multiple layers of recycled colored paper.

Create beautiful paper rainbows every time you sharpen the pencil.

Rainbow Pencil by Duncan Shotton

Rainbow Pencils by Duncan Shotton

Creative Pencils

Creative Pencil

Rainbow Pencil

Layered Pencils

Layered Pencil

Colored Pencil

Duncan Shotton

Also check out: Pencil Carvings and Pencil Shaving Art

  1. Rafeek


  2. Gert

    It’s a little girly and yet… I would buy them. lol

  3. dexter

    cool add colors and now garbage can be decorative

  4. Betty

    very nice…I’d buy these because I kind of have a thing about pencils.

  5. Andy


  6. Machine

    Sadly thou, they still draw gray …
    They should draw an other colour each time you are pointing them!

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