Sofa Bicycle

Sofa Bicycle

Comfortable two person bicycle allows you to sit on the couch while you ride.

Sofa bicycle designed by Jacek Holubowicz and Kazimierz Lesnniewski.

Sofa Bike

Couch Bike

Couch Bicycle

Jacek Holubowicz

Kazimierz Lesnniewski

Jacek Holubowicz Sofa Bicycle

Also check out: Spider Bicycle and Running Shoes Bicycle

  1. Swiper Fox

    Its a Left-Hand Drive SOFA TRICYCLE.
    It has THREE WHEELS, not two, so its NOT a sofa bicycle.

    Too bad it doesn’t come with a cable tv (just kidding :-)

  2. Gert

    It’s also a self propelled rikshaw.

  3. Vie

    In Indonesia, we call it BECAK and it’s already exist since colonial era

  4. hannah

    that looks so comfortable you can sit down enjoy outside and still give your legs a workout

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