12 Amazing Food Creations

12 Amazing Food Creations

Incredible food art created by talented people that love to play with their food.

Death Star Watermelon

Watermelon carved to look like the Death Star from Star Wars.

Death Star Watermelon

Snack Food Stadium

Super Bowl football stadium made entirely out of snack food.

Snack Food Stadium

Crocodile Sandwich

Awesome sandwich created by Mark Northeas from Funky Lunch.

Crocodile Sandwich

Salmon Plane

Creative plane sculpted our of raw salmon fish by De Witte.

Salmon Plane

Watermelon Helmet

Clever helmet made out of a watermelon for a fashion photo series.

Watermelon Helmet

Latte Art

Beautiful designs created with espresso coffee and steamed milk.

Bread Alligator

Creative alligator shaped bread sculpture is too cool to eat.

Bread Alligator


Cool banana art inspired by Frankenstein novel by Mary Shelley.


Caterpillar Cupcakes

Cupcake party train created by Coco Cake Boutique Cupcakes.

Caterpillar Cupcakes

Death Star Cookie

Darth Vader loves to start his day by eating Death Star cookies.

Death Star Cookie

Rice Dog

Cute dog made from rice is taking a bath in a plate of potato soup.

Rice Dog

Twitter Fail Whale Cake

Wonderful fail whale Twitter cake created by Mariana Pugliese.

Twitter Fail Whale Cake

Also check out: 3D Coffee Art, Banana Carvings, and Sushi Art

  1. Taft

    The cupcake caterpillar looks a lot like “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carl:


  2. James Anzalone

    Bread FTW

  3. Cory

    Im going to have to go for watermelon deathstar for the simplicity of it.

  4. 2LV2

    Death Star Watermelon!!! Cool.

  5. D

    The Watermelon helm is stolen from a Cat! =D

  6. Sharyn

    I think the Snack Food Stadium is excellent!

    And I totally agree with Taft about the Caterpillar – the book must have been the inspiration.

  7. Toasty O's

    That must have been a huge cat!

  8. javad

    so cretive ;)


    I might try making the deathstar watermelon one, that’s pretty cool lol.

  10. KewlAintCool

    That rice bear ain’t in potato soup… that’s Japanese curry.

  11. Ivan

    Wonderful fail whale Twitter cake!

  12. Mary-Anne

    All incredible works of art but the rice dog takes it for me!

  13. willywonka

    latte art is awesome…

  14. Karina

    hehe bananastein! :0 might just have to try doing that one myself ;)

  15. Zhak

    the rice dog/bear creation is actually taking a dip in japanese curry i believe. AWESOME.

  16. Sophia

    The latte art is incredible…

  17. I Like Traffic Lights

    The rice dog is amazing.

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