Interlocked Coins

Interlocked Coins

Geometric sculptures created out of interlocked coins by Robert Wechsler.

Coins notched, joined together, and connected to form unique works of art.

Interlocked Coins Sculpture

Coins Art

Interlocked Coin Sculptures

Interlocked Coins Sculptures

Interlocked Coin Sculpture

Coins Sculpture

Interlocked Coin Art

Robert Wechsler Coin Sculptures

Coin Art

Coin Sculptures

Coins Sculptures

Coin Sculpture

Robert Wechsler Coin Sculpture

Robert Wechsler

Interlocked Coins Art

Robert Wechsler Coin Art

Also check out: Money Sculptures and VW Beetle Sculptures

  1. Silas

    These are beautiful! The simplicity and the silhouettes these create are just fantastic.

  2. Felix

    Beautiful as it is, isn’t it against the law in any country to purposely deface currency in circulation? Bills and coins are always printed as property of country so and so. If this was made of devalued currency however, it is another matter.

  3. Shilov

    Shut up and take my money!!! ….Oh Wait, …you already did!

  4. George

    Who cares Felix?

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