Coin Paintings by Andre Levy

Coin Paintings by Andre Levy

Miniature portraits of famous people and fictional characters from cartoons, movies, and comic books painted on coins by talented artist Andre Levy.

Presidents are replaced with colorful paintings. Real metal coins from all over the world are transformed into unique works of art.

Minions Coins

Coin Art by Andre Levy

Snow White Coin

Snow White Coin

Leela from Futurama Coin

Coin Paintings

Orko Coin

Coin Painting

Robocop Coin

RoboCop Coin

Kill Bill Coin

Kill Bill Coin

Catwoman Coin

Catwoman Coin

Joker Coin

Joker Coin

Spider-Man Coin

Spider-Man Coin

Wolverine Coin

Coin Art

Kick-Ass Coin

Kick-Ass Coin

Flash Coin

Superhero Coin

Hulk Coin

Hulk Coin

Superman Coin

Superman Coin

Ned Flanders Coin

The Simpsons Coin

Thundercats Coin

ThunderCats Coin

Speed Racer Coin

Speed Racer Coin

Velma from Scooby-Doo Coin

Creative Coin

Marge Simpson Coin

Simpsons Coin

Ninja Turtles Coins

Ninja Turtles Coin

Scorpion Coin

Mortal Kombat Coin

Sub-Zero Coin

Video Game Coin

A Clockwork Orange Coin

A Clockwork Orange Coin

Ronald McDonald Coin

McDonalds Coin

Albert Einstein Coin

Albert Einstein Coin

Amelie Coin

Amelie Coin

Also check out: Animals Painted on Lips and Hand Paintings

  1. davide

    this is amazing!!! i know a lot of these coins, and watch it now with different picture is crazy!

  2. Gert

    Clever idea but why is the work so nicely done on some of these and so obviously poor on others? Are some from when he first started or is he just inconstant in his technique?

  3. kelly Tozarin

    I loved them! Especially the Minions coins!

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