Wearable Paintings

Wearable Paintings

Creative dresses made out of paintings by Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren.

Wearable Art by Viktor&Rolf. A dress transforms into an artwork, back into a dress and into an artwork again.

Dresses Made of Paintings

Wearable Art

Wearable Painting

Dress Made of Paintings

Paintings Dress

Painting Dress

Painting Dresses

Viktor and Rolf Wearable Art

Viktor and Rolf Wearable Paintings

Viktor and Rolf Wearable Painting

Viktor and Rolf Paintings Dress

Viktor and Rolf Painting Dress

Viktor and Rolf Dress Made of Paintings

Viktor and Rolf

Also check out: Balloon Dresses and Humans Turned Into Paintings

  1. Pearl Lambie

    Fashion FAIL! Clunky and why? Worst of both worlds!

  2. Sentimentum

    O dear .. The model is not looking to happy in them !

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