Ultimate baby stroller designed by Czech auto maker Skoda for manly dads who do not like the look of ordinary strollers.
High performance baby stroller is equipped with 20 inch wheels, hydraulic suspension, brakes, side mirrors, and a headlamp for night walks.
Survey of 1000 dads uncovered that most of them would spend more time pushing the stroller if it was powerful and high tech.
All Terrain Stroller
vRS Mega Man-Pram
Also check out: Longboard Stroller and Baby Stroller Bicycle
*overcompensation strollers
Aug 2nd, 2013
It’s not complete unless it makes BROOOOOM! BRROOOOOM! noises.
Aug 3rd, 2013
This is so amazingly stupid that I love it. Just imagine the looks you’d receive whilst going for a walk in the park, brilliant. Of all people to come up with this idea though, Skoda???
Aug 3rd, 2013
Strollers for guys with more money than brains. lol
Aug 3rd, 2013
This stroller must be awfully heavy ! On most pictures the dad looks like he has to push real hard to make it move. Not sure it would be great on a steep hill..
Aug 3rd, 2013
AKA the “My son will grow up to be a douche like me” stroller
Aug 4th, 2013
How do you frickin put it in the car if it’s half of the size of the car? What about going through doors? Or do you have to park it outside and leave it there, like normal car? :D
Aug 4th, 2013
We have strollers like that in America too. We call them cars….
Aug 5th, 2013