Miniature Bicycle Stand

Miniature Bicycle Stand

Creative bike stand designed by Yuma Kano looks like a miniature bicycle.

Bike shaped bicycle stand also functions as a sign that anyone can read.

Mini Bicycle Stand

Miniature Bike Stand

Mini Bike Stand

Miniature Bicycle Stands


On Bicycle Stand

Yuma Kano

Yumakano Bicycle Stand

Yuma Kano Bicycle Stand

Also check out: Bicycle Pizza Cutter and Bicycle Wall

  1. pom

    Cute but: 1)Unbolt the front tire and you have the rest of the bike. 2) It’s so low to the ground, it is a tripping hazard. 3) In a public space, it does not comply ADA clearances requirements.

  2. Dave

    where can you buy these online?

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