Miniature Airport

Miniature Airport

The largest model airport in the world is located at the Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, Germany.

Spread over an area of 150 square meters, Knuffingen Airport features 40 different airplanes that take off and land up to 360 times each day.

More than 150,000 working hours and 3.5 million Euro have been invested in this amazing project. The airport is now open to the public.

Knuffingen Airport

Miniature Airport in Hamburg

Tiny Airport

Toy Airport

Miniature Airplane

Model Airport

For more tiny creations, check out: Miniature Food Sculptures

  1. anonymous194

    Wow, I would’ve mistaken this for a real airport if not for the title.

  2. Darrell

    Wow. Reminds me of all those Twilight Zone episodes where people get stuck in doll houses. [shudder]

  3. Ti at Cafe

    This is amazing! I really want to know how they did the take off and landing. Are those planes in a loop or something?

  4. Derek Po

    I’ve seen this before! The mechanism I mean. most of the vehicles aren’t attached to the diorama. That’s why there’s no tracks on the diorama itself besides the one for the plane that takes off. The little metal piece on the nose wheel that sticks out is a metal or a magnet that is being attracted by another magnet underneath the diorama. The entire thing costs so much because there’s so much intricate stuff under the thing. Amazing!

  5. Larna

    I love anything that is call miniature! Simply irresistible!

  6. Yen

    This is amazing!!!

  7. ran


  8. kadal

    quite nice

  9. Raoul Duke

    Probably the coolest thing about the Miniaturwunderland is, that the cars automatically drive under the visible Scenery to charging stations to refill their batteries.Impressive piece of electronics!

  10. Morflee

    More than !!!3.5 million Euro!!! have been invested -> Am I the only one that noticed?

    Yes I have to say that’s amazing!!! But is it worth that price cuz at the end, there is no use of it… :/

  11. Art of Concept

    Really wonderful!

  12. Tia

    Someone has a lot of time on they’re hands…

  13. Christian



    I agree with Morflee. It is indeed impressive and entertaining to watch. I just can’t believe that 3.5 million Euros went into creating… a miniature airport…

  14. Judie

    I wish I had that job. What fun and hard work.

  15. Nikunj

    Simple awesome a kids dream, but 3.5 Millon euros is that cost that much :)

  16. Reilly

    This is epic. I’d love to go here some day. Along with the Dutch LegoLand…

  17. Manuel

    LOL – At first sight I thought the plane in the picture was real, but now I think this can be a cool toy… :)

  18. Me

    I kept looking for a miniature John Lithgow being dragged away on a miniature stretcher into a miniature ambulance…

  19. Auriel

    @Christian & Morflee
    I live in Germany and have been at the Miniatur Wunderland twice (when the airport was still under construction).
    Lots of people visit the Miniatur Wunderland, so I think they’re making profit.
    They also built a miniature Switzerland, Hamburg, Amerika and so on.
    It takes about 2-3 hours to see everything, and every time you come you see something new.

  20. Glenn Contreras

    OMG! Just added to my christmas whishlist! =D

    Lufthansa’s aircraft is sooo cute!

  21. mahee

    i m from bangladesh.i will make a miniature city.

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