2D or Not 2D

2D or Not 2D

Faces of beautiful models painted to look like two-dimensional oil paintings.

Creative art project by Russian photographer Alexander Khokhlov and extremely talented makeup artist Valeriya Kutsan.

Faces Transformed into Paintings

Models Transformed into Paintings

Models Transformed into 2D Paintings

2D or Not 2D by Alexander Khokhlov

Valeriya Kutsan

Make-up Artist Valeriya Kutsan

Russian Photographer Alexander Khokhlov

Faces Transformed into 2D Paintings

Alexander Khokhlov

Also check out: 3D Paintings and Optical Illusion Paintings

  1. Swiper Fox

    Painted or not, these models are 3D;
    but their photographs ARE 2D.

  2. sgh

    last one is really cool! love it
    nice idea…

  3. Sami

    Full of innovation and creativity. Great :)

  4. fajar

    many of them still definitely looks 3D, except the number 6 and last one

  5. james

    2D but still incredible stuff!

  6. Ru

    Love the ones with strong angles, specially the pixelated one

  7. erynne

    The last one is the best one, I think. Very cool stuff

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