Yoga Army Men

Yoga Army Men

Peaceful versions of iconic green toy soldiers designed by Dan Abramson.

Instead of fighting, carrying weapons, and going to war, plastic army men will teach children how to properly do various yoga poses. [order]

Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog

Warrior Two

Warrior Two

Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose

Child’s Pose

Childs Pose

Meditation Pose

Meditation Pose



Warrior One

Warrior One

Crow Pose

Crow Pose

Tree Pose

Tree Pose

Yoga Toy Soldiers

Yoga Toy Soldiers

Also check out: Yoga Cats, Yoga Dogs, and Star Wars Yoga

  1. Swiper Fox

    Looks like the Toy Soldiers from “Toy Story”. XD

  2. Dee Woolnough

    Oh my gosh… I need these. I have a work collegue who would go mad for these! Where can I buy them??? :)

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