3D Paintings by Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew

3D Paintings by Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew

Beautiful three-dimensional portraits on multiple layers of thread and nets painted by Thai artist Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew.

The fabric moves and adds depth / life to human faces on 3D paintings.

Paintings by Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew

Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew 3D Paintings

Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew Paintings

Layers of Thread and Net

Artist Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew

Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew

Thai Artist Uttaporn Nimmalaikaew

Also check out: Finger Paintings and Double Exposure Paintings

  1. Rob

    kinda creepy…. kinda cool lol

  2. Pearl Lambie

    God, i LOVE this!

  3. John

    Woah! Just when you think you saw every possible way for someone to create art… someone comes along & does something truly unique! Amazing!

  4. mimi


  5. mangkum

    Simply w.o.w

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