Amazing Photo Manipulations

Amazing Photo Manipulations

Remarkable images created by Belgian photographer Christophe Gilbert.

Famous for his unique and creative advertising photography, the artist believes that small details can make a huge difference.

Cute Dog

Flower Dress

Chocolate Bath

Leaf Dress

Hair Horses

Mother with Babies

Photo Manipulations

Pond Office



Leaf Scarf

Paint Dress


For more cool images, check out: Incredible Photo Manipulations

  1. Jumanicus

    i love these pics!!

  2. Nick

    the headphone one is awesome.

  3. Flavio

    the flower dress is AMAZING.

  4. J Jones

    Another artist inspiring my love larger to photography

  5. Larna

    sorta but these images are more existent..very creative of course to think outta d box. XD

  6. Glenn Contreras

    So clean… I love it!

  7. Art of Concept

    Perfect! Amazing conceptual art! Love it! Lots of talent here! Really inspiring!

  8. Atavistica

    The hair into horses impressed me. Lots of imagination behind that one.

  9. Lyndi

    Amazing talent!

  10. Gian

    The one in the title is missing.

  11. Loo Loo

    My Fave’s the goldfish!

  12. Darrell

    Wow. Pretty crazy stuff. Kinda disturbing.. but quite interesting.

  13. ics

    the one with the dog on the backseat is for BMW M3. brilliant

  14. Yo

    Really nice ones!

  15. adefemi

    luvly…all of ’em

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