St. Jakobus church in the Netherlands was converted into a modern house.
Zecc Architects have supervised the transformation with a great attention to light, space and functionality. Due to its location and historic significance, the building is registered as a municipal monument.
Also check out: Transparent Church and Bookstore in a Church
is it really church? looks like house for freak millionaire who considers himself a saint.. IMHO
Mar 24th, 2011
it was a church, then converted into a home
Mar 25th, 2011
there are so many things I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing in that house 0_0
Mar 25th, 2011
I’ve been imagining turning a church into a house for a few years now. This one is much different than what I’ve been imagining. The wide open space to be turned into smaller, yet still open spaces seems very appealing to me.
Mar 25th, 2011
Ron, great comment! dig this.
Mar 25th, 2011
That’s great
I’ve always dream to see a church used differently.
Cause the building offers so many ways of fitting.
Good good good
Mar 25th, 2011
Is a bit too sparse for me. The character of the Church could have been put to better use.
Mar 25th, 2011
Check out the nose-picking painting in what to looks like the kitchen. ;-)
Mar 25th, 2011
Perhaps somewhat silly, but how do you heat a place that’s 14 meters high on the inside and is one big room actually? I also reckon the original stained windows are not as insulating as modern ones… just some thoughts!
Mar 25th, 2011
Drew Duncan
Creative use for a beautiful building, i’d live there.
Mar 25th, 2011
@Bart I was thinking the same thing. Its an original thought. Nice, but a little scary for me
Mar 25th, 2011
PauL B
What an amazing house!just a pity it’s a church..I’m not emo or anything, i just don’t have the “faith” ha ha
Mar 25th, 2011
Is earth already too crowded that God has to find his own place now or God abandoned these people?
Mar 25th, 2011
looks like a good place for an orgy.
Mar 25th, 2011
A center of worship turned into… a house.
Huge loss of significance there.
Mar 25th, 2011
sadly it was turned into a not so functional house…it feels empty and sparse, not the way churches feel. However, I think the idea is great, there are many churches for sale in my area and it’s nicer if they are used than abandoned and derelict.
Mar 25th, 2011
Nicolas, there’s a church in Québec city that is now a circus school. Its the perfect building for that kind of school!!
Mar 25th, 2011
Pity – looks as though white paint was sprayed or brushed over most finer surfaces. Doesn’t appear to be a very creative use of the materials or space.
Mar 29th, 2011
Just like Ira Levin’s play “Cantorial”, minus the synagogue factor.
Mar 30th, 2011
While some beauty exists in the simplicity of the design, I find it somehow saddening. Churches at their best are places of bustling life, and communing. If church buildings are abandoned, why not turn them into something a whole community can use? How bout neighborhood meals, art events, space for yoga classes? I think that would be the best way to honor a sacred space.
Apr 3rd, 2011
I would have added a loft to where the dining table is situated and maybe add more color to give it a cozy feel. The place looks to cold for me. Makes me wonder if the place is haunted?
May 4th, 2011