Bookstore in a Church

Bookstore in a Church

Dominican church in Maastricht, Netherlands was converted into a beautiful multi-level bookstore.

13th century building was restored and filled with modern bookshelves.

Unique project was supervised by Dutch company Merkx + Girod.

Church Transformed into Bookstore

Church Turned into Bookstore

Church Converted into Bookstore

Church Transformed into Library

Selexyz Dominicanen Bookstore

Church Converted into Library

Church Library

Church Bookstore

Restaurant in a Church

Church Turned into Library

Selexyz Dominicanen Maastricht

Selexyz Dominicanen

Dominican Church

Also check out: Transparent Church and Kid’s Republic Bookstore

  1. woops

    It’s a little odd for a place of worship to turn into a conventional bookstore.

  2. Austin

    As much as I love the look of the store, it’s sad to see a place of worship turned into a store where they might sell 50 shades of grey.

  3. Betty

    Wow, I would love to visit that book store (with some bucks in my pocket)!
    I like that the stacks appear to have done no irreversible damage to the structure of the church.
    Also, the cafe in alter area–cool!

  4. Laura

    I visited this temple of the written word last fall, and it is amazing … Highly recommended!

  5. Dominic

    About time for a proper use of a church…

  6. Sno_Mike

    @Laura “Temple of the written word” excellent description!
    @woops A lot of old churches are now transforming their use, I go rock climbing in two churches in Scotland which have been converted into indoor rock climbing centres. To be honest I’d rather see churches be used for things like this

  7. Douglas

    What does it say about the state of faith. Converting churches into capital enterprise. I’d guess these churches were built as monuments to God and to make us feel small in the context our relationship to the everlasting. The vastness of the place seems odd in this setting. I’m not sure what to make of it. Fantastic architecture though.

  8. WadeJ

    One recent anachronism (bookstores) replacing another anachronism. What’s going to happen in 3 to 5 years when the book store goes out of business.

  9. Casey

    What a lovely thought, worshipping books. Makes a lot more sense, and I’d love to see many other churches converted to libraries or resource centers; would go a ways towards realigning our (American) values towards rational discourse instead of walls of infallible beliefs (sadly, most churches seem to be converted to sectioned living spaces instead). Love it, love the use of space, love the architecture. One of the few stores I would be excited about visiting.

  10. Max

    Although the store looks amazing on photos its anything but functional or user friendly. The wayfinding is horrible, the upper pathways get clogged up with people (too many ‘bottle necks’), the selection of books offered is limited at best compared to other bookshops near there and the restaurant produces a lot of noise pollution.

    The form might be interesting but as far as functionality is concerned it fails miserably.

  11. Zack

    Counter productive for religion to actually start advertising free thinking. I guess the community donation pools must be dipping for them to allow such an absurd idea flow through their walls.

  12. Phil

    Here in the UK there are hundreds of churches ‘For Sale’ wonder if a book stores coming here soon…. least its saves them from the usual fall to arson.

  13. exotic

    @ woops and Austin, i agree

  14. Piet

    In Zutphen there’s also a bookstore (actually a library) in a church!

  15. nanobelle

    Once used to entrap minds and subjugate them to fear and control this building now has a more fruitful purpose in bringing true enlightenment to all.

  16. Noel Bellen

    This is my favorite “smarter working” place.
    Plenty of good books, my tablet with 3G and a nice coffee… what else does one need to get inspired?

  17. woops

    @ Casey

    I can’t wait to turn the Alnwick Castle (Hogwarts) into a commercial internet cafe and see your reaction. I mean, these places have no relevance any more because all of the Harry Potter series are over, and lets face it: its all fiction! It has such great architecture and would inspire my friends and me to play Skyrim!

  18. Fett


    so you think that an internet cafe is the same thing with a bookstore? that’s pathetic. but not as pathetic as thinking the bible is the same thing with harry potter.

    p.s: I would be happy if Hogwarts was turned into a bookstore.

  19. woops

    @ Fett

    I’m drawing parallels here: What may seem invaluable to one person may be the next person’s greatest desire. I’m obviously against the transformation of the church into a conventional bookstore. Instead of arguing my position, I decided to HUMOR you with an analogous desire many fans of Harry Potter would be see as distasteful.

    P.S. Which would be more offensive: if Hogwarts turned into a bookstore or internet cafe? Think about it.

  20. Talia

    This is amazing, two of the things I like most!

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