15 Unusual Christmas Trees

Unusual Christmas Trees

The most creative and innovative Christmas Trees from around the world.

X-Ray Christmas Tree

Nick Veasey scanned real Christmas tree using giant X-ray machine. [more]

X-Ray Christmas Tree

LEGO Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree in London was made out of 600,000 LEGO bricks. [more]

LEGO Christmas Tree

Camera Christmas Tree

Modern Christmas Tree constructed out of cameras and camera lenses.

Camera Christmas Tree

RAM Christmas Tree

Unusual Christmas Tree created out of computer memory sticks.

RAM Christmas Tree

Cardboard Christmas Tree

Eco friendly Christmas tree made entirely out of recycled cardboard.

Cardboard Christmas Tree

Bicycle Christmas Tree

Incredible Christmas tree made of painted bicycle wheels and parts.

Bicycle Christmas Tree

Glass Christmas Tree

Beautiful Christmas tree in Italy was created out of glass tubes.

Glass Christmas Tree

Hubcap Christmas Tree

Original Christmas tree created out of hundreds of wheel covers.

Hubcap Christmas Tree

Emerald Christmas Tree

Christmas tree in Lithuania was made out of recycled plastic bottles.

Emerald Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree made of Books

Unique Christmas tree created out of 30 carved and shaped books.

Christmas Tree made of Books


Cthulhu Christmas Tree

Awesome Christmas Tree inspired by Cthulhu fictional character.

Cthulhu Christmas Tree

Golden Christmas Tree

Christmas tree created out of pure gold worth 1.95 million dollars.

Portal Christmas Tree

Fun and memorable Christmas tree inspired by Portal video game.

Portal Christmas Tree

Merry Mirror

Stacked objects reflected in the mirror form unique Christmas Tree.

Merry Mirror

Christmas Tree Dress

Festive and stylish dress for the holiday season. [more cool dresses]

Christmas Tree Dress

For more inspiration, check out: Godzilla Christmas Tree

  1. Diego

    Christmas tree dress would be great on Lady Gaga *-*

  2. angel

    well the ex-ray one spoiles all the fun out of gifts cuz its suposed to be a suprise
    i also like book and wood trees

  3. Shandya

    I love the Emerald Christmas Tree and Portal Christmas Tree. But Camera Christmas Tree just makes me rolling my eyes.

  4. Sharyn

    Camera tree doesn’t really look like a tree, more like someone dropped a heap of cameras & was too lazy to clean them up so they just said it was a tree. They should have said it was art – then they could not clean it up for a lot longer.

    I liked most of the others, the mirror tree was really creative. I’d probably actually use the Cthulhu tree or a smaller version of the Emerald tree. But I’d most like the gold one so I could sell it & buy whatever I want!

  5. Ted

    An eighteen-wheeler would look good on Lady Gaga.

  6. Jose

    Camera tree is pretty lame, how did it make this list??

  7. douglas


    But does the truck have a tree on it?

  8. mahboobe

    merry mirror is very very good!!!!

  9. Alex

  10. Public Cyberfreak

    That Portal christmas tree is just hilarious =)

  11. Diego

    Agree, everything is good on Lady Gaga <3

  12. Wheatley

    HAHAHA I’m DOING the Portal tree next year!

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