Fairytale Mugshots

Fairytale Mugshots

Series of creative illustrations by talented Spanish artist Marilen Adrover.

Police mugshots of beloved fictional characters from popular fairytales.

Goldilocks Mugshot

Fairy Tale Mugshots

Red Riding Hood Mugshot

Marilen Adrover

Alice Mugshot

Alice Mugshot

Snow White Mugshot

Snow White Mugshot

Also check out: Fallen Princesses and Unhappily Ever After

  1. Barrie Hall

    Great drawing works of the photo shots. Gives it a more fairy tale feel. Is Alice Lewis’ daughter, because she didn’t have a last name in the books?

  2. Chari

    Disney said Alice’s last name was Kingsley, but I think the book was dedicated to Alice Liddell.

  3. Swiper Fox

    This Fairy Tale became Sorry Tale due to misguided upbringing of these characters. XD

  4. Dave

    Did the artist use Lady Gaga as her base model? Well, Snow White anyway?

  5. Carrollfan

    Alice is a real girl who was called Alice Liddell. The stories were written for and about her.

  6. Dan

    Most stories of Little Red Riding Hood end with her being eaten by the wolf or an ogre. The earliest version was told by the French in the 10th century and she was killed and the story ended there. The most familiar version (Grimm’s) ends with the Woodsman killing the wolf.

    Red never kills anything/anyone, and somehow I doubt that killing a wolf constitutes murder.

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