Shadow Art

Shadow Art

Wonderful shadow art created by talented Belgian artist Fred Eerdekens.

Strategically placed objects cast shadows that form words and images.

Shadow Art by Fred Eerdekens

Shadow Writing

Shadow Type

Shadow Words

Shadow Drawing

Wire Typography

Shadow Sculpture


Write with Shadow

Shadow Meets Art


Shadow Font

Shadow Artist Fred Eerdekens

Shadow Typography

Fred Eerdekens

For more shadow art, check out: Light and Shadow Paintings

  1. Nisa Zul


  2. Niyari

    The God/Ego one is awesome.

  3. kadal

    amazing….love em all…especially the wire and the trees…

  4. charu

    great work

  5. Lilia Smiles

    I love the one made with the draped clothes!

  6. Siem

    I’ve seen ‘Men ga een zachter gang’, but it’s broken now, so stupid ):

  7. woops

    All of the wires.

  8. mistral

    creative work

  9. Alston, HC. W

    wanna see in person!

  10. Zafer

    Totally eppic

  11. Dominic

    Very Clever…

  12. mi


  13. Glitto

    Very unique & creative art with ordinary things.

  14. Douglas

    Pedestrian items in the right circumstance providing unexpected interest. Art is everywhere.

  15. Henry

    Nice work. It reminds me a lot of the work by Sigeo Fukuda and Diet Wiegman. They did this years ago already.

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