Creative Hairstyles

Creative Hairstyles

Eye-catching hairstyles demonstrate the benefits of Bench Fix professional hair styling products.

Spider or Lizard haircut will make you the star of any Halloween party.

Unique hairstyles were created by TBWA\SMP advertising agency.

Spider Hairstyle

Spider Hairstyle

Gecko Lizard Hairstyle

Creative Hairstyle

Also check out: Animal Hairstyles and Famous Hairstyles

  1. Diego

    i like the lizard :)

  2. Max

    So what are the “benefits”?…. I don’t get it

  3. SAM


  4. Douglas

    That is some wicked hair work. Should have posted more than two. Beats the usual pink mowhawk.

  5. Spectator

    Gosh, now how did I miss the moment when the pink mohavk became usual?

  6. Christian

    really, Max? really? you must be new to toxel.

  7. AHMAD

    Creativity is intended to serve things people benefit them in their lives؟!!‏

  8. Sharyn

    I love the spider! That would be awesome for Halloween, although maybe not so awesome the next day.

  9. Jordan

    Scares the crap out of you when the spider jumps AT YOU. FLEEE I TELL YOU!!!!

  10. kadal

    if i’m not doing the profession i’am now. i’m gonna do that hairstyle….maybe if i’m a musician.

  11. Dominic

    Amazing Lizard hair…

  12. Mark

    Why not just put a hair piece on a bald head with one of these designs? I can’t see anyone just admiring this outside of a hair competition. Maybe I’m just jealous cuz I couldn’t grow one of these!

  13. Roy

    How long before a Premier League footballer gets one of those hair styles! Personally I haven’t got any hair but the lizard is amazing!

  14. Enrico Martinez

    People who wants to make their heads bald, can do first these outrageous haircut, go to a party or two, then have the barbers cut it thoroughly.

  15. Dave

    Imagine how long these men had to sit in the stylist’s chair. I wonder if there were a few preliminary failed attempts. Unlike shaking an Etch A Sketch when you make a mistake, you’d have to shave them bald and get a new head to work with.

  16. rakesh

    can you tell me the name of the male modal with lizard haircut,,,,plz sir

  17. Anna

    I’m sorry. I must be sounding a little posh but those are too much. Not as good to fix as good to wear to parties and celebrations with benefits like those. I think toxel is going mad like a hatter. Max I though agree with you. No benefits from these, just ruined hair and unnecessary popularity and attention.

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