Mr. Bean in Classic Paintings

Mr Bean in Classic Paintings

Series of clever photo manipulations by talented artist Rodney Pike features Mr. Bean as the subject of famous paintings.

The face of Rowan Atkinson and his iconic television character Mr. Bean was inserted into classic paintings.

Rowan Atkinson in Classic Paintings

Mona Lisa Bean

Mr Bean in Paintings

Rodney Pike Mr Bean

Rowan Atkinson in Famous Paintings

Mr Bean Art

Mr Bean in Famous Paintings

Rowan Atkinson Paintings

Mr Bean Painting

Rodney Pike Rowan Atkinson

Rodney Pike

Mr Bean Paintings

Rowan Atkinson Painting

Rowan Atkinson in Paintings

Mr Bean

Rowan Atkinson

Also check out: LEGO Paintings and Cats in Famous Paintings

  1. Gooseman

    This makes me want to watch Black Adder all over again.

  2. Barrie Hall

    What Goose Said.

  3. Falcy

    Sweet Mother Of Pearl!!!!!

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