Skirt Shoes

Skirt Shoes

Creative high heel shoes with skirts designed by Japanese studio Nendo.

Made for Seibu department store. Shoe heel is visible through the skirt.

Careful attention was given to the colors and the length of the skirt.

Seibu Skirt Shoes

Nendo Skirt Shoe

Skirt Shoe

Nendo Skirt Shoes

Nendo Skirt

Nendo Shoes

Japanese Skirt Shoes

Syk Skirt Shoes

Japan Skirt Shoes

Nendo Syk Skirt Shoes

Syk Shoes

Also check out: Invisible Shoes and Pins & Needles Shoes

  1. eemke

    this looks stupid !!

  2. Zaher Sahyoun

    Beautiful… i like

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