Snow Drawings

Snow Drawings

British artist Simon Beck creates massive artworks by walking in the snow.

Simon wears raquettes ( snowshoes ) and draws intricate patterns and unique large scale designs on mountains of ski resorts.

On average, each snow drawing takes 10 hours to complete.

Snow Drawing

Snow Pattern

Pattern on Snow

Snow Art

Drawing on Snow

Snow Art by Simon Beck

Art on Snow

Drawing on Snow by Simon Beck

Snow Drawing by Simon Beck

Snow Patterns by Simon Beck

Art on Snow by Simon Beck

Snow Pattern by Simon Beck

Snow Drawings by Simon Beck

Simon Becks Snow Art

Art by Simon Beck

Snow by Simon Beck

Pattern on Snow by Simon Beck

Snow Patterns

Snow Artist Simon Beck

Simon Beck

Also check out: Land Art and Beautiful Sand Drawings

  1. Ian F. Hood

    What, no aliens? Sheesh.
    Very nice.

  2. Ru

    Gorgeous and free art, made just for the purpose of making something beautiful and temporary. I love it.

  3. Black Lotus

    That’s cool! lol pun intended! :)

  4. E

    Also, notice that the guy went sleeveless at the last photo. He won’t need any jacket to keep him warm with all those walking and patterning.

  5. Ahmet Uzun

    Crazy stuff

  6. Betty

    So impressive!

  7. Pearl Lamie


  8. Gert

    Free? I’m pretty sure someone is paying him.

  9. meme

    And now we know where crop circles come from.

  10. kadal

    aah, so thats whats alien looks like…white haired and bearded.

  11. Mark

    Hey Simon, ummmm, I know you’re almost done but there’s snow and heavy wind in the forecast. Can you cover that with something? Bwahahahahahaha.

  12. Bangal

    Wow! Amazing art!

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