Earth and Jupiter Cakes

Earth and Jupiter Cakes

Beautiful and delicious layer cakes look like the planets of our solar system.

Designed and made by Rhiannon, the creator of the Super Mario Cake.

Multiple layers represent the core and internal structure of each planet.

Planet cakes were used as learning tools for kids in primary school.

Jupiter Cake

Planet Cake

Jupiter Layer Cake


Planet Jupiter Cake

Jupiter Cake

Planet Earth Cake

Planet Earth Cake

Layer Cake

Earth Layer Cake

Earth Cake

Also check out: Dexter Cake, Stormtrooper Cake, and Snake Cake

  1. McNessa :)

    Totaly Delish Looking!
    I had to make one like the earth but it
    had to be abstract!

  2. Dominic

    Love me some Earth Cake!!!

  3. Gert

    Knowing some schools, there will be some parent who complains that their kid can’t have sugar or flour or some other ingredient and decide since their kid can’t have any no one else can either.

    I think the cakes are awesome :D

  4. jacklyn

    Haha Gert, so true right?

  5. Jimberoni

    I would love to try this. But where do you get hemispheric cake molds? And how did they mold the planet cores? It’s a cake and a puzzle for me!

  6. Swiper Fox

    A long time ago where the Harlem Globe Trotters made an exhibition. One of them took a basketball, went to the free-throw line aimed to shoot the ball, then unexpectedly amazed everyone, had bitten the ball, chewed and swallowed, and done so repeatedly.
    Everyone was stunned, then later, he showed that the ball was made of bread, then everyone laughed :-) haha

  7. Hardev

    Like we don;t spend enough time devouring the earth as it, we then have to symbolise it?

    Still looks bloody yummy though…

  8. Unicorn

    Awhh he put Indonesia at the centre :3

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