Stormtrooper Cake

Stormtrooper Cake

Amazing cake designed to look like Stormtrooper from Star Wars universe.

Made by Amanda Oakleaf Cakes, incredible life-size Stormtrooper cake was 6 feet 4 inches tall, weighed 300 lbs, and fed 600 hungry people at Arisia Sci-Fi Convention in Boston, Massachusetts.

Star Wars Stormtrooper Cake


Life-Size Stormtrooper Cake

Lifesize Stormtrooper Cake

Edible Stormtrooper

Star Wars Cake

Amanda Oakleaf Cakes

For more cake designs, check out: 12 Creative and Unusual Cakes

  1. henry

    whaaa ! i missed this by a few days !

    awesome cake though

  2. Jenn Staz

    This is amazing!!!!!!

  3. Tip

    Rebel scum….

  4. woops

    I never knew the dark side came in vanilla.

  5. ashley dellinger

    @Woops……thank you for the good laugh..thats so funny.

  6. Mon Sun C

    Wow that is so cool! Never thought cake can be made that big – life size

  7. divegri


  8. kadal

    stormtrooper slaughtered? or Man eating stormtrooper?

  9. Benjamin Christine

    what a brilliant cake!

  10. Tim

    The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant, next to the power of the cake!!!!!

  11. douglas

    Awesome talent. Too much fondant for actual eating though.

  12. Liam

    Second to last picture clearly shows a stormtrooper after a piranha attack

  13. Jessica N

    The Empire really knows how to party! That is the coolest cake I have ever seen!

  14. Rob

    These are not the drools you’re looking for.

  15. Gert

    I think it should have been red velvet inside. lol.

  16. henlia

    canibal in actions :))


  17. pooshda

    haha, that’s incredible… what a shame to eat it though.

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