Origami Bird Lamp

Origami Bird Lamp

Beautiful lamp made out of paper by London based designer Umut Yamac looks like a bird on a metal perch.

Folded paper is combined with brass to make the lamp perfectly balanced.

Origami paper bird is illuminated through the connection with the perch.

Bird Lamp fills the room with light and swings when you touch it.

Perch Light

Bird Lamp

Paper Bird Lamp

Paper Light

Paper Lamp

Umut Yamac Perch Light

Origami Lamp

Perch Light

Bird Light

Umut Yamac

Also check out: Jellyfish Lamps and Forest Lamp for your Bedroom


    Beautiful! <3

  2. Shilov

    Great design! Would look awesome in my living room.

  3. Christoph

    What a neat concept, love it!

  4. Dai

    Where can buy it?

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