Clock Tower Apartment

Clock Tower Apartment

This amazing 7,000 square foot penthouse apartment is located in the 1914 landmark clock tower building in New York.

Beautiful apartment features unique staircase, private 3-story elevator, modern kitchen, three bedrooms, and four giant clocks with glass faces that offer breathtaking panoramic views.

Clock Tower apartment is currently for sale for only $23,500,000.

Clocktower Apartment

Clock Tower Room

Clock Tower Home

Cool Apartment

Clock Tower Penthouse

Clock Tower Bathroom


Clock Tower Interior

Clock Tower

For more inspiration, check out: 15 Unusual and Creative Buildings

  1. Me

    that’s really expensive but cool

  2. kadal

    “sale for only $23,500,000”
    extraordinary…..but too much money to spend….

  3. What

    Can anyone identify the music being played in the Vimeo players introduction?

  4. Me

    But… does it keep time?

  5. pandjoel

    if i am richi rich,,,

  6. Glenn Contreras

    Absolutely beautiful!

  7. gnhblfgh

    it must being annoying every hour dong dong dong dong

  8. Suha

    It is gorgeous though – someone will copy it and mass produce it (won’t have the same view though – maybe a better one???)

  9. Benjamin Christine

    i will move in next week… not huge fan of new york though…

  10. Sebastian

    So beautiful. I don’t think its overpriced. They are appealing to a certain market. A great town house or apartment in New York (particularly if the location is a good as this one) can go for 20,000,000+.

  11. Darrell

    That. Is. So. COOOL!!

  12. Dominic

    $23 mil…. u serious!

  13. Heidi

    “Clock Tower apartment is currently for sale for only $23,500,000.” That’s funny I thought it said ‘only’ 23 million…Must be a mistake.
    On the other hand, it does look beautiful. I could only dream about a home like this.

  14. Snufkin

    So do I have to keep the lights on all night so everyone can read it!?

  15. forumlogic

    Yes, please! If only we could all live in homes as spectacular as this – I feel happier for just imagining being in that wonderful space!

  16. Leonie


  17. brandon lee

    i used to live there with my crow

  18. Danny

    Where is the clockwork?

  19. Zerian

    Oh Brandon Lee you slay me, but seriously, dream house.

  20. Liz

    I love how they said “only $23,500,000″.

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