Food Art

Food Art

Beautiful and creative works of art created by Turkish artist Sakir Gokcebag.

Carefully sliced fruits and vegetables are strategically arranged into patterns and shapes. Food Art is then photographed from above.


Apple Art

Food Art by Sakir Gokcebag

Apple Art by Sakir Gokcebag

Apple Skin Art

Pealed Apple Art

Green Beans

Green Beans

Beans Art

Green Beans Art

Green Bean Art


Pomegranate Art

Pomegranate Seeds Art

Pomegranate Fruit Art


Fruit Art

Watermelon Art


Watermelon Slices Art

Sliced Watermelon

Fruit Art by Sakir Gokcebag

Watermelon Slices

Watermelon Art by Sakir Gokcebag

Also check out: Miniature Food and National Flags Made of Food

  1. jacklyn

    oh my. so creative! :D

  2. Francisco Fo


  3. Douglas

    Screams 2nd grade activity time.

  4. Gert

    Douglas is kind of screaming h8r right now…

  5. inan

    Loved the watermelons!

  6. Betty

    Wow! Precision fruit.

  7. Ben

    A “Fruit Ninja”! I couldn’t resist.

  8. K

    Would make awesome prints for a kitchen!

  9. Karen

    The definition of the “playing with your food”

  10. Goobersita

    The apples are so well done the picture almost looks photoshopped!

  11. lavazza

    Apples are awesome !!

  12. Justin Wheeler

    Well done. Absolutely adore these.

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