Crayon Business Cards

Crayon Business Cards

Unique and creative business cards made out of melted crayons by talented Toronto based artist Dorota Pankowska.

Business card laser cut from acrylic was used to make rubber silicone mold.

Then, the mold was filled with melted crayons of different colors.

Crayon Business Card

Business Card Made of Crayon

Melted Crayon Business Card

Dorota Pankowska Crayon Business Card

Dorota Pankowska Business Card

Dorota Pankowska

Business Cards Made of Crayon

Melted Crayon Business Cards

Dorota Pankowska

For more business card designs, visit: Clever Business Cards.

  1. POM

    Nice art work.
    Nice concept.
    But as a “business Card” it is a fail.
    I would not want to put that in my pocket or wallet as I am afraid it would end up in pieces. I have several stacks of business cards for future reference and it would not go my stack as it says nothing about owner other than they are good with crayons.

  2. John Hansen

    Impressive- when can I buy one?

  3. mimi

    I like these

  4. Alba

    As you keep it in your wallet or pocket, your money and things will turn to green, blue, and red.

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